Imports & Exports

Whether you are an importer or exporter, GTBank can help reduce the risks inherent in international trade.

Crédits Documentaires

Protect your business and your international trade supplier.

Garanties Et Lettre De Crédit Stand-by

Guarantee your Obligations


Whether it's facilitating your travels or handling your transactions, our Corporate Cards are the perfect companion for your business.

Carte De Débit GTBank RWF Platinum MasterCard

La Carte GTBank RWF Debit Corporate Mastercard

e-Business Services

Financial Solutions to streamline your process.

Banque Sur Internet (GeNS)

Recevez des alertes sur toutes les transactions effectuées sur votre compte. Par e-mail, SMS ou les deux ; À vous de choisir !


Payez les frais de scolarité et autres factures sur une plateforme sûre et pratique

Jeton De Sécurité


Acceptation Bancaires

Rédaction De Chéques

Keep tight control over cash outflow while maintaining strong vendor relationships.

Gestion de fonds et de portefeuille

Investment in money market instruments and other suitable outlets via Bonds, Treasury Bills.

Syndication De Prêt

Structuring credit facilities to meet our customers specific business needs and adding significant value to their businesses.

Instruments Du Marché Monétaire

Transfert De Devises Étrangères

Facilités De Découvert

Prêts GTBusiness


Finance Du Commerce

Financement D'actifs

Gtbank Système De Paiement Automatisé (GAPS)

A web-based solution that facilitates the processing of payments in batches using a secure internet connection.

Dépôts À Terme

Get interest on deposits for specified tenors ranging from 30, 60, 90 to 180 days.

Conseil Financier

We offer sound financial advisory services to customers.

Synergie Clientèle

Creating a symbiotic and enabling relationship amongst customers for ease of transaction.

Gestion Des Comptes D’entreprise

Manage your business finances with confidence and control.

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